Why BookingAfrica.Travel?

With more than 27 years’ experience in creating custom/tailormade safaris and tours to Southern and East Africa, we can provide you with the holiday of your dreams. No matter your party size, from honeymooners, groups of friends, conferences, family travel, corporate incentive trips, we have the experience to handle it.
Our dedicated and experienced consultants have worked with clients from the US, Europe and the UK for many years and know exactly how to cater to your every need, no matter what your ideal African Safaris/trip looks like.
All our African experts were born in South Africa and have extensive, first-hand knowledge in all our destinations. Our promise is that we will not offer a tour, lodge or experience that we have not experienced ourselves. You can be confident in the experience you are getting through BookingAfrica.Travel.
Unlike many other tour operators out there, we not only offer safari packages, but city stays, beach holidays, sightseeing tours coupled with a unique safari experience.
We value ourselves in providing an incredible experience where you can fully immerse yourself into the local cultural of the country, meet the locals…when you depart you will forever be changed!
This is achieved by selecting only the most discerning partners in the tourism industry. These partners are at the forefront of Eco- Tourism and ensure all of the safari camps we offer meet strict eco-friendly criteria in order to protect all wildlife areas and to ensure the survival of all animal species for future generations.
By travelling with BookingAfrica.Travel you get the opportunity to be a part of the solution as a portion of your trip’s cost will be donated to anti-poaching programs, Children in the Wilderness, Elephants Beyond Borders and much more.